Everything about Gallifrey and it's people in the Tonyverse

In this new universe, new job titles are the titles of the Time Lords and Time Ladies on Gallifrey with new technologies and the appearances of all of the YouTubers from the Meidas Touch Network, the Dollemore Daily, the ring of fire news, Farron Balanced, The David Pakman Show, The Christo Aivials show, The Young Turks, the Damage Report, The Tony Michaels podcast, burn the boats, what was that, majority 54, legal AF, political beat down, the five-minute news, the breakdown, and everyone from Tony Stark's life, the doctor from doctor who in their lives, and everyone in the natural human looking members of the avengers and the guardians of the galaxy in which they all look like one of, or two of, or three of, or all of them either mixed up or just like each of the individual in those teams and communities.